Pass The Cup: A Baseball Gambling Game

Personally I can’t watch baseball on TV, it’s too slow. However, I do love going to games. I attribute this largely to a great game a was taught a few years back. The game is simple and you only need a couple things. First you need a cup, next you need to make sure everyone’s got a nice stack of singles. $10 to $20 should do. You start up with an ante. Everyone puts $3 in the cup and set your rotation. I usually play left to right down the row. Don’t pass it like a snake draft, ruins the fun. The game is very simple. Whoever is holding the cup, that’s their batter. When the next batter is up, pass the cup. Below is what makes you pay into the cup, and what let’s you cash out. Strikeout: -2 Fly/ground out: -1 Ejection: -20 Single: +1 Double: +2 Triple: +3 Home run: take the cup (-) means put money in cup (+) means take money out When the cup is empty, re-ante. The game is great because even i...